Short & Long Term Program
If you or your group from church or school or university would like to come and help us in this ministry on a short term basis - say for 2 weeks to 3 months - you are most welcome. Please contact us via email or WhatsApp and we can discuss in more detail.
If you would like to minister for a longer term - say for more than 3 months to a year or more - we welcome you once again and look forward to prayerfully exploring all possible options. Thank you.
Rachel Paul
My name is Rachel Paul. I am currently a junior at Taylor University studying Psychology. For my psychology degree, I had to do a summer practicum, but I wanted to do it at in Indonesia, where my family is. My parents have been working in the refugee community for over five years now, and so I asked them whether there was something related to the field of Psychology that I could do with them for this practicum. They then put together a whole schedule of what I could do, and it was approved.
My practicum began on May 20th and lasted until August 16th. It consisted of teaching refugee kids ages 5-8 English and Math; organizing futsal for refugee men twice a week; meeting with new refugee families; and helping out in various activities such as creating a website for all the ministry, sorting through donations, and aiding in the registration process for New Hope Learning Center.
At first, I was doing it just for the sake of meeting my degree requirement, but as I started getting more involved in the refugee community, it became less and less for my degree and more about the relationships being built and a passion for those in the refugee community. I met so many men, women, and children who showed the most kind, humble, and welcoming hearts that I’ve ever encountered. On the days we visited the families in the refugee dorms, mostly everyone we met would invite us into their small room and offer anything that they had for us to eat and drink. Some of these strangers that I had known for just five minutes offered more than people I have known for five years.
It was such a growing experience and a blessing to be able to work alongside and learn more about what my parents have been doing for refugees in the Jakarta area and to have the privilege to work with some amazing people in this ministry. I am excited to continue learning more and developing the relationships I established in the three months I worked there."
Chippy is from Dalian, China and graduated from Wheaton College in December 2018 with an Anthropology major. She decided to spent 3 weeks interning with NHRM in the August 2019.
This past summer, I spent 3 weeks in Indonesia working alongside the New Hope Refugee Ministries team. As an anthropology major, I have many doubts and concerns about short-term missions and the potential negative impacts. However, it is different to set aside this time to intern with a group of people who have already spent the time to get to know the people they are ministering to, to listen and learn their culture, and to figure out solutions with refugees themselves. The Pauls and their teammates tried their best not to help but to empower the refugees, to discover their talents, and put their own skills to use.
"For me, being part of the team was to be part of the things that are already happening, and to transition things that are going to be. I organized a reading and writing workshop for teenagers who were already so eager to learn through an online program and will be continuing their education with the new learning center. Through reading a book together and writing stories, the teenagers discovered that they are fully capable of finishing an English book and that their stories are creative and valuable. By being there short-term, I was not trying to provide them with a complete education system, but merely some learning methods.