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Ministry Partner

Here are the People and Organizations partnering with us to provide ministry to refugees in Indonesia.


Living Room
Community Church 

LRCC has been a valuable partner in our ministry efforts, supporting us in various ways, such as providing the building used as our office and learning center. We began our partnership in 2019


Christ Cathedral 

"Christ Cathedral, part of the Gereja Bethel Indonesia (GBI) denomination, joined NHRM in 2019. Together, we focus on playtime, music lessons, sports, children's choir, and more for refugee children.


Harvest Mission 
Community Church 

HMCC partners with NHRM in various ways, such as mentoring refugee believers in their spiritual journey and aiding in their integration into church ministry. Additionally, HMCC provides financial support for the ministry. Our partnership began in 2017.


Community Church
Of Colombus

Community Church of Columbus (CCC) is a church whose mission is to be and make disciples of Jesus among all nations. Their vision is to grow and fulfill God's purposes for His Church. Our partnership began in 2021.


World Venture

WorldVenture, a nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging the world for gospel impact, partners with NHRM. Their vision is to witness countless disciples, driven by God's love, who are willing to take risks to transform lives and impact families, communities, and the world. Our partnership began in 2021.


Wintonbury Church

Wintonbury Church stands as a beacon of compassion and support, extending a helping hand to New Hope Refugee Ministries in their noble mission. Through their unwavering dedication to service and their deep-rooted commitment to making a positive impact in the community, Wintonbury Church exemplifies the spirit of kindness and generosity that lies at the heart of their partnership with New Hope Refugee Ministries.

Leaf Pattern Design
White Walls
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Liberty Christian Fellowship

Partnership with New Hope Refugee Ministries reflects a shared vision of compassion, empowerment, and service, as they work together to provide essential aid and support to those in need.


New Hope Refugee Ministries (NHRM) is a relief agency working with refugees in Indonesia under the umbrella of a registered non–profit foundation, Yayasan Cahaya Anak Bangsa (YCAB). Our mission is to help refugees living in Indonesia by offering them physical, emotional, and financial support in times of need.


Ruko Aniva Grande

Blok GG NO 5.


Paramount Gading, Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto, Serpong, Medang, Pagedangan, Tangerang Regency,


Banten 15334, Indonesia


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